Thursday, April 29, 2010

Debt is not Dowery

Let us think through how we do higher education.  Is it necessary to get into debt?  Especially if it is a liberal arts education?  Would debt not add stress to a new marriage?  There are numbers of ways to avoid debt while getting an education.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Harlan,
    Just finished reading a short book on the will of God called 'Just Do Something' by Kevin DeYoung which spends a few pages looking at the issue of Christian marriage, and it even touches on"...delaying the growing-up process, and forcing countless numbers of young women to spend lots of time and money pursuing a career when they would rather be getting married and having children."
    Yeah I think it is probably just that many young folks being conformed to the patterns of this world (in terms of student loans etc.) without due consideration as to what the Word of God teaches in relation to what young women should be striving for, and what the Bible teaches about debt etc.
    May we continue to glorify Him in all that we do!


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